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Take a minute to update your PAHRA profile!

    March 17, 2015

    PAHRA needs your help!  For SO MANY REASONS we need up-to-date PAHRA member profiles, and we'd like you to update yours!  It's EASY!    Thanks in advance for your time!  Cheryl Moreno 
    * * * * *

    Go to the PAHRA website (

    Sign in.   Don't have a user name and password?  Type your name as "user name", then click "change password".  You will immediately get an email with a temporary sign-in.  Go back to the website and set a new one!

    Hit "Edit". 
    Edit your Account: Change your password AND upload/change your picture!  PLEASE upload a picture!  If you do, we can use it in promotional pieces on the website!
    Edit your Personal Information:   Includes THESE CRITICAL FIELDS!  

    1. IF YOU ARE A SHRM MEMBER, please make sure that your national ID is entered!  It’s very important that PAHRA reports our high percentage of SHRM members.  If you are NOT a SHRM Member and would like more information, visit the SHRM website at
    2. IF YOU ARE CERTIFIED, enter the type of certification and expiration date, for either/both the HRCI and SHRM certifications. If you are NOT certified and would like more information, contact me (  If you are HRCI certified and have not transitioned to the new SHRM certification, now's the time!  It takes just (apx) 1 hour and must be completed by the end of 2015.

    Save your work, and click VIEW to make sure you did it right!