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About Us


    PAHRA Brochure

    Welcome to the Prescott Area Human Resources Association (PAHRA).

    The Prescott Area Human Resource Association (PAHRA) is proud to be a local affiliate chapter of the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM).

    The Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) is the world’s largest association devoted to human resource management. Representing more than 250,000 members in over 140 countries, the Society serves the needs of HR professionals and advances the interests of the HR profession. Founded in 1948, SHRM has more than 575 affiliated chapters within the United States and subsidiary offices in China and India.


    Local Human Resource professionals from some of the larger employers in the Prescott area began meeting as an informal group in 1986. This group was known as the Prescott Personnel Group and continued to meet until 1990. They disbanded for a few years, then in 1994 expanded the membership and became known as the Prescott Area Human Resources Association (PAHRA).

    In September 2002, the group became the sixth chapter of the Society for Human Resources Management (SHRM) in Arizona (AZSHRM). This affiliation brings a more global perspective to Human Resources issues and provides members with additional resources.

    Current membership represents Human Resource practitioners from major businesses and small organizations across Yavapai county. Members are professionals from diverse industries including government, higher education, health care, service, distribution, and manufacturing. It is anticipated that membership will continue to grow along with the ever-changing Quad-City community.



    We miss being able to share ideas and HR speakers, and are sure you are missing it, too. However, we will continue to offer HR seminars and training via on line meet-ups, and this year's SHRM conference will also be provided as on online technology experience.

    At this time, the Board has voted to suspend all in person meetings for the remainder of 2020. It is our hope that we are able to regroup in 2021 with a new calendar and informative meetings set up for you.

    Since we have been unable to meet, we would like to offer you the chance to transfer this year's membership fee to next year. You will not receive an invoice for 2021, and we will carry over your membership and all that goes with it, to the following year.
    If you choose this option, you do not have to do anything. We will continue to keep you informed via email and our website. Please contact the Board via email if you would like to cancel this year's membership.

    Finally, we will still continue to accept scholarship requests for review. Information and the form can be found on the PAHRA website -

    Thank you for your continued support of PAHRA. We look forward to the future, and working again with you!

    Arlene Seagraves, SHRM-CP, OHR
    President - Prescott Area Human Resources Association